Driving sustainable loyalty and scalable advocacy with brand communities

Increase ecommerce revenue by leveraging your existing customers through community experiences
Homefeed view of the TokyWoky Community Platform

The secret to securing organic revenue growth?
Your customer community.

The secret to securing organic revenue growth? Your customer community.

With acquisition costs skyrocketing, business is getting increasingly difficult for brands & retailers that rely on paid growth. (Meta ads, Google ads…)

To future-proof revenue, retail & CPG industry leaders are investing in an organic growth model focused on leveraging their existing customers to drive loyalty & advocacy.

At TokyWoky, we believe that building a brand community that offers differentiating customer experiences, worth sharing and coming back for, is the key to a strong organic growth model.
Quentin Lebeau, CEO & Co-founder at TokyWoky Quentin LebeauCEO & Co-founder at TokyWoky

Connect with your customers:
create a brand community

Connect with your customers: create a brand community

TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

What is a brand community platform?

It’s a space where customers can come together and interact with one another, powered by a wide range of engaging experiences that go beyond the simple purchase journey and traditional brand-to-consumer marketing strategies.

Three factors you need to build a strong brand community:
• a community potential with products that foster passion
• a plan to recruit and retain your community members
• a strategy for your community to generate value for your brand
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

The engine to power your organic growth strategy

Organic growth reduces acquisition costs as it is initiated and driven by customers. Customer-led organic growth is based on:
• Loyalty: customers buy more products, more often from a brand
• Advocacy: customers proactively recommend products to others

A brand community is the cornerstone of a strong organic growth model
Why? Because by sharing their own experiences with a brand’s products, exchanging thoughts with others and actively participating in the brand’s activities in a dedicated space, they simply become more likely to stick around and advocate.

Increase customer loyalty
with a brand community

Increase customer loyalty with a brand community

TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Loyalty means more than discounts

True loyalty cannot be strictly transactional. Loyalty is emotional, it’s about being close to a brand that you love, trust, and that shares your values.

The limits of traditional loyalty schemes:
• Lack of C2C interactivity and limited brand-to-customer communications
• Discounts tend to dilute the value of the brand over time with consumers waiting for the next promotional offer.
• Discounts and rewards are don’t generate advocacy.

This one-size-fits-all approach means that customers are all recognized in the same way, with little to no personalization, especially for high-value customers. The modern consumer wants more than that: they want to experience the brand; they want to belong.
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Experience-based loyalty, beyond traditional rewards

A brand community’s primary purpose is to offer engaging experiences that support a long-term loyalty and retention strategy.

These experiences, or activities, keep members coming back regularly & contributing over time:
• Competitions & Challenges
• Events
• Product testing & reviews
• Discussion boards
• Surveys
• Gamification & missions
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

How brand communities drive loyalty & advocacy

Don’t miss our deep dive on why building a community is the ultimate solution to generating organic growth from your customers

• Key concepts behind a community strategy
• Activities that keep customers coming back
• How to leverage UGC at scale to increase customer advocacy
• ROI of a brand community
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Supercharge your advocacy
with a brand community

Supercharge your advocacy with a brand community

TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Customer experiences worth sharing

A community allows brands and retailers to offer the differentiating and more personalized experiences that consumers are craving. It gives customers regular opportunities to share and advocate for their favorite brand.

By enabling C2C interactions throughout the customer journey, communities are building an innovative social experience; one that makes activities a competitive advantage and creates a stronger connection with consumers.
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

The community as a UGC factory

With brand content trust decreasing and 93% of consumers saying their buying behavior is influenced by recommendations, UGC is an imperative for both acquisition & loyalty.

UGC creation is at the center of a TokyWoky community. Whether it’s reviews, pics, skincare routines, fashion looks, DIY projects… all the content that the community creates is reusable in emails, ads, product pages etc. to drive revenue.

How brand communities
generate value

How brand communities generate value

TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Community’s impact on revenue

TokyWoky’s clients typically observe a significant impact of the community on members’ revenue:

• 4X Conversion Rate on purchases
• 2X Average Order Value
• 3X Customer Lifetime Value

Additionally, the UGC created by the community - and visible by 100% of shoppers on product pages - has proven to increase overall ecommerce revenue by up to 5%.
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Increase social reach

With community platforms, customers generate up to 6-8X more UGC than without.

Creating a dedicated hashtag for your community is a great way to encourage members to share content on social channels: increasing your reach & presence there.

TokyWoky identifies who amongst your community members are nano or micro influencers on Instagram, allowing you to focus on leveraging these customer profiles.
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Co-creation & insights

The community impact will grow exponentially if a brand recognizes community expertise, and fosters exclusivity.

Revealing prototypes of upcoming products and asking for feedback gives community members an opportunity to be part of the growth of their favorite brand.

Short surveys and live sessions for immediate feedback are highly engaging and provide unparalleled insight into what brands’ best customers are looking for in their products.
TokyWoky brand community for loyalty and advocacy

Ready to take the next step to drive loyalty & advocacy?

Logo of the TokyWoky Community Platform
TokyWoky France
127, Rue d’Aboukir
75002 Paris
TokyWoky UK
123 Buckingham Palace Road