How Superdrug reaches
30% active members
on its Customer Community


Monthly interactions within their community


Reviews collected through product testing campaigns


Active users rate

About Superdrug
Superdrug is a leading health and beauty retailer. With a huge online & offline presence across the UK and Republic of Ireland - including 200 in-store pharmacies – they provide a huge range of beauty and health services and the very best in customer experience.

In 2020, Superdrug won the Glossy Beauty Awards for Best Community Hub with TokyWoky and they are now entering their 5th year of collaboration.
Superdrug icon
It all started in 2019 with TokyWoky chat widget, allowing real-time interactions between shoppers sharing advice and recommendations.

Soon enough, Superdrug was one of the first brands to trust us in launching a community platform to quickly become one of our most successful within the Beauty UK market.

In 2023, a shift in their strategy has been a game changer in the daily life of their community.
Superdrug screenshot
The business-friendly ecosystem created by Superdrug, illustrated
Offering partner brands the largest and most diverse panel of product testers
As of January 2024, the SCC multiplied the number of community members by 1.5 compared to 2023, and by 9 compared to their launch year in 2019. Each of them have their own community profile, where they can submit their interests by filling in a Beauty Passport (in exchange for points that helps them level up within the community and earn rewards).
Superdrug screenshot
Superdrug screenshot
Using that data, Superdrug can then select the most suitable candidates for test & review campaigns - directly launched from their TokyWoky Back Office, where everything is centralized, in collaboration with dozens of health & beauty brands.


Product testing applications received over the last 6 months


Review completion rate

22 days

Average days for testers to submit their review

50+ brands

Partnering with Superdrug

Superdrug screenshot
Superdrug Customer Community - Product Testing section
Nurturing the community with a wide range of exclusive events & masterclasses hosted by various brands
Since January 2023, over 20 virtual masterclasses were hosted on the Superdrug community - beauty masterclasses, live chats, Q&As with experts, and more! With some even gathering 800+ beauty fans.
Superdrug screenshot
Superdrug Customer Community - Events
Superdrug community emails also strike like no other with statistics way over the benchmark
Superdrug screenshot
Superdrug screenshot
How does this impact the community overall?
Ever since Superdrug started exploring collaboration with partner brands, customer engagement has never been higher, with peaks reaching several thousands in one single day - where other communities would take several months to reach such a figure. Impressive results that tells us it's only the beginning! Superdrug screenshot Superdrug Customer Community Interactions dashboard on Tokywoky Back Office

Want to know more about our community platform?

Our community architects help you define your community projects.

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75002 Paris
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